SMS - NOVA Wholesale
Person-to-Person messaging (P2P) constitutes a basic service for Mobile Operators & MVNOs, when marketing messaging (Application to Person – A2P) has been widely adopted as a great way of communicating important information to clients due to its many benefits such as convenience, effectiveness and affordability.
NOVA offers on a commercial basis:
- Person-to-Person (P2P) direct national SMS termination to NOVA Mobile Network
- National & International Application to Person (A2P) SMS termination to NOVA Mobile Network
- International Person-to-Person (P2P) SMS termination to NOVA Mobile Network
Wholesale P2P Direct National Termination
The service guarantees of SMS termination to NOVA mobile Subscribers.
It concerns all National Licensed Telecom Mobile Operators and MNVOs having their own infrastructure, which are able to terminate wholesale services regarding the termination of Person-to-Person text messages (P2PSMS) to NOVA Mobile subscribers following an interconnection request and the signature of a commercial agreement between the two parties.
The technical implementation requires the implementation of a direct interconnection using SCC7 protocol.
Wholesale A2P termination
The service guarantees of SMS termination to NOVA mobile Subscribers
It concerns all national and international SMS Service Providers or Aggregators, which are able to terminate wholesale services regarding the termination of Application-to-Person text messages (A2PSMS) to NOVA Mobile subscribers following the signature of a commercial agreement between the two parties.
Depending on the numbering resources are used for SMSC addresses (national /international) the SMS interworking is implemented as follows:
via the establishment of an one way interconnection using SCC7 protocol for national numbering ( National Operators/service providers)
Via NOVA’s established SCCP signaling carrier services for International Operators ( International numbering)
International P2P termination
The service guarantees of SMS termination to NOVA mobile Subscribers via Hub providers
The same terms are applied as of paragraph here above
Bulk SMS Services
NOVA offers a product that enables companies like SMS Aggregators, Licensed Service & VAS Providers and typical enterprises to send massively text marketing messages to all Nova mobile subscribers via direct interconnections.
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