National Voice - NOVA Wholesale
- NOVA Wholesale
- Services
- Voice
- National Voice
National Voice
NOVA offers to National Broadband Providers at the wholesale level, end-to-end voice call termination services
- Termination Service in Geographical Numbers
- Termination service in non-geographic numbers
- Voice Call Termination Services at the NOVA Greece Network
Termination Service in Geographical Numbers
NOVA offers to National Electronic Communications Network Providers, at wholesale level, services for terminating voice calls from end-users to geographic numbers of its network after signing a relevant interconnection agreement.
Termination service to non-geographic numbers
NOVA provides Voice Services Providers at the wholesale level to terminate voice calls from end-users to non-geographic numbers operating on its network upon a commercial agreement.
Non-Geographic Services that may terminate a National Network Operator's voice calls to its subscribers are as follows:
- Debt Service Numbers (800 series)
- Cost-shared service numbers (801 series)
- Service numbers for prepaid calling (Series 807)
- Multimedia Information Service Numbers (IPA)
- Series 8xx with retail charge (rws 806, 812, 825, 850, 875)
- 90x series (901 series and 909 series fr adult-only services)
- 4-digit - 5-digit Short Codes with urban charge (10xxx, 11xxx except 118xx, 181-183xx)
- 5-digit Short Codes for Catalog Information Services (118xx series)
- 5-digit Short Codes for customer service (138xx series)
- 4-digit - 5-digit Short Multimedia Information Service (EPC) codes (14xxx series)
Voice Call Termination Services at the NOVA Greece Network
NOVA offers wholesale services to providers of electronic communications networks to end voice calls to end-users of their mobile network.
With the services offered, any interested Network Operator can terminate the voice calls of its subscribers to the NOVA Greece mobile network by signing a corresponding bilateral contract.
In application of U.S. Pat. EETT Decision No. 498/046 / 15-10-2008, NOVA publishes Interconnection Reference Offer in line with the needs of the Greek electronic communications market and in full compliance with the transparency requirements imposed by the relevant legislative framework.
NOVA Interconnection Reference Offer (PA) is a call for expressions of interest from any interested Network Provider to provide the aforementioned services. The NOVA Interconnection Reference Offer is for the sole purpose of informing interested parties about the type and terms of provision of the services offered, on the basis of which NOVA negotiates, in good faith, the terms of the respective final contracts
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